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The West Bank Is Under Attack

FPN Political Education Team - January 23, 2025

As the news of a ceasefire in Gaza has been circulating across the world as a victory for Palestinian resistance, the Zionist project has amplified its occupation of the West Bank. The brunt of this violence has been exerted on the Jenin refugee camp, as a part of what has been called Operation Iron Wall.

The goal of this Operation is to liquidate Palestinian sovereignty and resistance in Jenin and place the West Bank under further colonial control. The overall goal of the Zionist Entity is the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people in order to further their settler colonial project.

The occupation forces and the Palestinian Authority have been blockading Jenin; launching drone missions, demolishing neighborhoods, kidnapping and detaining at least 90 Palestinians without charge, and leaving at least a dozen Palestinians as martyrs. As we speak, other cities such as Bethlehem have been placed under complete blockade to prevent Palestinians from leaving. This shows us that even when they are in defeat, the occupation forces refuse to let Palestinians live. We have a responsibility to keep the pressure, even after the historic ceasefire.

What Can We Do?

1. Consider joining or assisting a revolutionary organization that is rooted in anti-imperial values and is working to fight for the Palestinian cause.

2. If you are a member of an organization based in Central Florida, consider joining as a member of the End to Genocide Coalition as we take on the task of challenging the occupation as a collective.

3. Continue to pressure the U.S empire for an arms embargo to end the OCCUPATION & GENOCIDE that it funds. We must directly challenge the complicity of our government on both sides of the aisle.